Trigunas: Sattva, Rajas, Tamas – Part 1

Every time i meditate the feeling of being in this physical body and being able to experience the nature of this universe is a constant reminder that we are indeed blessed to be born with this human body . The breath or Prana is beyond just being termed as oxygen ,it’s a breath that breathes life into our body which is the biggest miracle of all .The human body is…

Leadership Success: The Indian Way – Part 3

In the last piece, we spoke about Alignment – the alignment of the individual with himself or herself – whence the body, mind, intellect are all aligned and these in turn, align with the core of the individual, deep within.. This is “Yog”. What are the other ingredients? They are Circulation and Expansion. Indian wisdom helps us get Alignment-Circulation-Expansion or ACE…… Circulation Circulation is the nature of this Universe. Nothing…

Leadership Success: The Indian Way – Part 2

In yesterday’s article, we spoke about the possibilities of using Indian wisdom for Management. We also saw that Leadership and Management are not the same, but are linked and complementary. These differences are very clear in the Masterpiece of Leadership and Governance, called Arthshaastra, authored by Kaultilya in 300 BC. Lastly, we said that one of the key concepts required or sustainable excellence, whether in the role of a Manager…

Leadership Success: The Indian Way – Part 1

What does Chanakya’s Arthashaastra have to teach us about Leadership and Prosperity?   What does Yog teach us about Personal and Professional Development? Lots! But we need to first un-condition our minds – and change the notion that Management are those practices which come to us from the hallowed universities of America and the Corporate powerhouses of Europe and US. There are tomes available in Indian wisdom, waiting to be…

Shushrusha and Shravan – The Art of Listening

It was teacher’s day and what better way than to spend it in the Advanced Module of the Chiranjeev Gurukul session with our dear Guru Rajesh Kamath and an energetic batch of participants . The Session focussed on some amazing teachings from the Arthashaastra and Yog and particularly one thing that struck me and prompted me to write this blog was the point on Listening or Shravan. Listening comes from…

From Ignorance to Awareness

The Yog curriculum in the Advanced Course of Chiranjeev Gurukul Leadership program covers traditional Ashtaang Yog philosophy as mentioned in Patanjalis Yog Sutras, which helps us to reflect deeply, internalize, and experience it at an individual level. Recently in one of the sessions the five Kleshas or ‘afflictions’ were covered: Avidya (ignorance), Asmita (egoism), Raga (attachment), Dvesha (aversion or hatred), and Abinivesah (clinging to life and fear of death). All…

Yog and Letting Go

The Friday meditation sessions started as Seva during the Pandemic in 2020 and I find that my discipline with breath and the exploratory journey to my inner self has gotten more refined during the teaching process. In the overall process of becoming aware one has to let go of so many habits and attitudes that have got deeply embedded in our minds. The attention to detachment is integral to the…