The Significance of Nag and Nag Panchami

The Significance of Nag and Nag Panchami As is the world outside, so is the world within Nag Panchami is observed on the Shukla Paksha (waxing moon) Panchami during the Indian calendar month of Shravan. Some of the regional names of Nag Panchami festival are Bhratru Panchami, Bishari Puja, Naga Vardhini Panchami. On the day of Nag Panchami, the idols of snake god are bathed, worshipped, asking for protection and…

Expansion of Indian Wisdom Learning Ecosystem: Pune Alumni of ISB learn about the Science of Prosperity/ Governance

Over 20 alumni of ISB chose to converge at the popular fine dining Restaurant at Koregaon Park – Malaka Spice. But the purpose was much larger than to wine and dine – it was to enrich themselves with the Science of Prosperity and the Art of Governance – the one which Acharya Chanakya professed, practised and propagated – to propel Bhaarat to a well governed Nation.

Proud moment for Chiranjeev Gurukul and Eternal Indian wisdom

On the occasion of Foundation day, Chiranjeev Gurukul is honoured and appreciated by the Hon Shri Ramesh Baisji, Governor of Maharshtra (who is also Chancellor of MSSU), on behalf of Maharashtra State Skills University. The occasion saw many dignitaries including Ved Mani Guptaji, MD of NSDC, O.P. Guptaji, Addnl Chief Secretary of GoM, and popular director, Meghna Gulzarji

Lessons from Indian Wisdom: The True Significance of Diwali

अग्निमीळे पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य देवमृत्विजम्। (Rg Ved 1)
I honour the vital energy Agni placed inside me, which provides the light of intelligence and energy for all my efforts!

When Diwali was first created as the Festival of lights, our ancestors may not have realised that in the eons to come, we humans would move from natural lighting to artificial lighting to even facncy and super dazzling lights.