Mastering the Art of Decision-Making: Insights from Arthashaastra
The Arthashaastra is a Legendary Indian text written by the world-renowned strategist Chanakya and
is a comprehensive guide to governance, economics, and military strategy. He practiced what he
taught nearly 2500 years ago.
The system he taught is based on laws of management and also offers valuable insights on decision-
making that are still relevant today.
There is a brilliant thinking tool that can help one master the art of decision making called the
At Chiranjeev Gurukul we have organized the Aanvikshikee model it into three sections for effective
decision making
1.Gather information from diverse sources: According to the Arthashaastra, a decision-maker
should seek information from various sources, information experienced by oneself – Pratyaksh,
experienced by one’s immediate team – Paroksh and data by experts, advisors, and even
competition that is inferred by us- Anumaan. This helps to ensure that all angles of the issue are
considered. This is followed by how the data is analysed.
2.Analyze the pros and cons: Before making a decision, weigh the potential advantages and
disadvantages of each option. The Arthashaastra advises decision-makers to consider the long-term
consequences of their choices and to assess the risks involved. The analysis starts with Sankhya
where the data is properly understood .The next step is Yog or where the data is then synthesised
and reflected upon with relation to our purpose, values and strengths, are we in union with the idea
and finally Lokayat – where its processed by checking for additional /historical evidence to eliminate
all doubts.
3.Consider the context of Dharm/Ethics, Varta/Economics and Dandneeti/Policy: A decision that is
appropriate in one context may not be suitable in another. The Arthashaastra emphasizes the
importance of understanding the specific circumstances, cultural, social and economic norms that
surround a decision. Will it stand the test of time and scrutiny of all stakeholders?
Finally In the face of changing circumstances, a decision-maker should be willing to adapt their
approach. The Arthashaastra advises that a leader should have multiple plans in place and be
prepared to pivot quickly if necessary. It also also suggests that a decision-maker should aim to reach
a consensus among stakeholders. This not only helps to ensure that all perspectives are considered
but also promotes buy-in and commitment to the decision.
While seeking input and consensus is important, ultimately, a decision-maker must be willing to
make the decision and take action. The Arthashaastra emphasizes the importance of decisiveness in
a leader. By practicing the Aanvikshikee model you can become a more effective decision-maker and
navigate complex challenges with greater clarity and confidence.