Lessons from Eternal Indian Wisdom: The Significance of Guru Poornima
07Jul, 2023
“Nahamarth lipsurbravimi mam ashitivarshasya vyavrutt sarveindriyaarthasya na kinchidarthen prayojanam. Tvatprarthana siddhyartham sarasvativinodam karishyami”
I’m not proclaiming it out of my list for riches. I’m eighty years and have reversed my senses from objects of desire. I’ve nothing to do with riches. It’s only for the accomplishment of your wish (of creating the next Leader for the kingdom) and my hobby of learning that I shall do this! – Guru Vishnusharman to Raja Amarshakti in the introduction of the Panchatantra
The Guru Gita (part of the Skanda Puran) states that the way to religion is Gurumarg. It is clearly said that gyanam nasti gurum bina: “the disciple is blind, and the Guru with his divine insight, enables him to see the world”. The commonest understanding is that Gu means darkness and ru means to eliminate it. Hence, Guru is the Brahman(God) who eliminates the darkness (of ignorance).
The full-moon day in the month of Ashada is the extremely auspicious and holy day of Guru-Purnima. On this Ashada Purnima Day, sacred to the memory of the great sage Sri Vyasa Rishi (amongst the greatest Gurus of our land) or Sri Krishna Dvaipayana, Sannyasins settle at some place to study, do Vedantic Vichara, and discourse on the Brahma Sutras composed by Maharshi Vyasa. Sri Veda-Vyasa has done unforgettable service to all humanity for all time by editing the four Vedas, writing the eighteen Puranas, the Mahabharata and the Bhaagavata. We can attempt to repay this deep debt of gratitude we owe him only by constant study of his works and practice of his teachings imparted for the regeneration of humanity in the iron age or Kali Yuga.
Because he was born on an island in the Yamuna and his complexion was dark so he was called Krishna Dwaiypaayan. Every teacher from every sector has regarded him as the greatest Guru, and paid their homage. So this Vyas Purnima is also known as Guru Purnima.
1. The sadhus and sastras all praise the importance of Guru. Our shastras say that to attain success you should pay homage to the guru with prayers and devotion. “Mokshsadhana samgrayan bhaktirev gariyasi”.
2. It is mentioned in the Vedas, Upanishads, Tantras, Samhita, Puranas, Ramayana and Mahabharata that in the path of spiritual quest, one has to take refuge in the guru. Taitiriya Upanishad says “Acharya devo bhava”: the teacher is your God.
3. Swetaswatar Upanishad says “Yatha deve tatha guru”. Manu Samhita suggests ” Guru shushrushyatev brahmalokam samshmute”. Brahmalok is attained when the Guru is served.
4. Bhagawad Gita says to attain the atmagyan i.e. knowledge of the Self, one must serve one’s Guru.
Tadbidhi pronipaten pariprashnen sewaya
Updeskhenti te gyanan gyaninst twadarshinah
To attain the knowledge of the Universe you have to bow to your Guru, ask him proper questions, and with your sincere service make him happy. The ideal spiritual Guru will guide you along the most appropriate path suitable to you, to gain knowledge.
5. Regarding the Varnashram dharma-updesh, Sri Krishna in Bhagwat Gita’s 11th chapter has said–
Acharyan mam vijaniyannabnyet kahirchit
na martyabudhya suyet sarvodevomayo guruh
“The teacher or the Guru should be regarded as Matswarup (My form). Never think about him as a human being. Because Guru is all Gods. (Every God is residing in him)”.
The avatars also recommended having a Guru. Purushottam Bhagawan Sri Rama’s first Guru was Vashistha and Shri Krishna’s Guru was Sandipani Muni. Sant Kabir’s guru was Ramanand and Mirabai’s Guru was Raidas.
6. Sant Kabir in his famous lines has said :
“Guru govind dono khare kake lagoon pai balihari guru aapne jin govind diyo batai”
In this Doha Kabir says that a Guru ( Teacher) and the God are standing in front of you , then whose feet you will touch and give honour? Then he says that Guru deserves the first right to get the honour as he affectionately teaches to know God by giving knowledge . Therefore the importance of Guru is more than the God
Shubh Guru Purnima..
I’m not proclaiming it out of my list for riches. I’m eighty years and have reversed my senses from objects of desire. I’ve nothing to do with riches. It’s only for the accomplishment of your wish (of creating the next Leader for the kingdom) and my hobby of learning that I shall do this! – Guru Vishnusharman to Raja Amarshakti in the introduction of the Panchatantra
The Guru Gita (part of the Skanda Puran) states that the way to religion is Gurumarg. It is clearly said that gyanam nasti gurum bina: “the disciple is blind, and the Guru with his divine insight, enables him to see the world”. The commonest understanding is that Gu means darkness and ru means to eliminate it. Hence, Guru is the Brahman(God) who eliminates the darkness (of ignorance).
The full-moon day in the month of Ashada is the extremely auspicious and holy day of Guru-Purnima. On this Ashada Purnima Day, sacred to the memory of the great sage Sri Vyasa Rishi (amongst the greatest Gurus of our land) or Sri Krishna Dvaipayana, Sannyasins settle at some place to study, do Vedantic Vichara, and discourse on the Brahma Sutras composed by Maharshi Vyasa. Sri Veda-Vyasa has done unforgettable service to all humanity for all time by editing the four Vedas, writing the eighteen Puranas, the Mahabharata and the Bhaagavata. We can attempt to repay this deep debt of gratitude we owe him only by constant study of his works and practice of his teachings imparted for the regeneration of humanity in the iron age or Kali Yuga.
Because he was born on an island in the Yamuna and his complexion was dark so he was called Krishna Dwaiypaayan. Every teacher from every sector has regarded him as the greatest Guru, and paid their homage. So this Vyas Purnima is also known as Guru Purnima.
1. The sadhus and sastras all praise the importance of Guru. Our shastras say that to attain success you should pay homage to the guru with prayers and devotion. “Mokshsadhana samgrayan bhaktirev gariyasi”.
2. It is mentioned in the Vedas, Upanishads, Tantras, Samhita, Puranas, Ramayana and Mahabharata that in the path of spiritual quest, one has to take refuge in the guru. Taitiriya Upanishad says “Acharya devo bhava”: the teacher is your God.
3. Swetaswatar Upanishad says “Yatha deve tatha guru”. Manu Samhita suggests ” Guru shushrushyatev brahmalokam samshmute”. Brahmalok is attained when the Guru is served.
4. Bhagawad Gita says to attain the atmagyan i.e. knowledge of the Self, one must serve one’s Guru.
Tadbidhi pronipaten pariprashnen sewaya
Updeskhenti te gyanan gyaninst twadarshinah
To attain the knowledge of the Universe you have to bow to your Guru, ask him proper questions, and with your sincere service make him happy. The ideal spiritual Guru will guide you along the most appropriate path suitable to you, to gain knowledge.
5. Regarding the Varnashram dharma-updesh, Sri Krishna in Bhagwat Gita’s 11th chapter has said–
Acharyan mam vijaniyannabnyet kahirchit
na martyabudhya suyet sarvodevomayo guruh
“The teacher or the Guru should be regarded as Matswarup (My form). Never think about him as a human being. Because Guru is all Gods. (Every God is residing in him)”.
The avatars also recommended having a Guru. Purushottam Bhagawan Sri Rama’s first Guru was Vashistha and Shri Krishna’s Guru was Sandipani Muni. Sant Kabir’s guru was Ramanand and Mirabai’s Guru was Raidas.
6. Sant Kabir in his famous lines has said :
“Guru govind dono khare kake lagoon pai balihari guru aapne jin govind diyo batai”
In this Doha Kabir says that a Guru ( Teacher) and the God are standing in front of you , then whose feet you will touch and give honour? Then he says that Guru deserves the first right to get the honour as he affectionately teaches to know God by giving knowledge . Therefore the importance of Guru is more than the God
Shubh Guru Purnima..