Leadership Success: The Indian Way – Part 3
In the last piece, we spoke about Alignment – the alignment of the individual with himself or herself – whence the body, mind, intellect are all aligned and these in turn, align with the core of the individual, deep within.. This is “Yog”. What are the other ingredients? They are Circulation and Expansion. Indian wisdom helps us get Alignment-Circulation-Expansion or ACE……
Circulation is the nature of this Universe. Nothing is stationary. The celestial bodies are in constant motion. Air that keeps us alive, is in constant circulation. It is so even for other animals. Air which is not in circulation is “dead”. Water too needs constant circulation. Water which is not circulated goes stagnant. This circulation is also called flow. When people are at their best in any field, we say “They are in flow”. It is not just a figure of speech, circulation, movement, flow are all essential to health. Just like the body is healthy due to the flow of air, blood and life force, Leaders understanding this principle,,let nothing accumulate. They distribute wealth, knowledge, fame and even authority. The outcome is a vibrant, healthy organization. After all, a static organization becomes a lively organism when the Leader brings in Circulation – what comes to the organization, each can experience and benefit.
The last element of ACE is Expansion. Expansion is the other quality of natural elements. Just as circulation takes place, the normal course of nature is expansion. Humans grow, forests grow, wind expands and so on. Expansion is the natural extension of circulation. Leaders recognize that when organizations do not grow, they de-grow. So one of the key roles of the Leader is to enable expansion…..of self, knowledge, abilities, aspirations, customer satisfaction, and finally, enterprise….
Rajesh Kamath is Founder – Chanakya Consulting Insights and Co Founder – Chiranjeev Gurukul. His purpose and work focuses on the application of the eternal wisdom of Bhaarat to modern challenges of organizations. He can be reached on rajeshvkamath@gmail.com