Leadership Success: The Indian Way – Part 2

In yesterday’s article, we spoke about the possibilities of using Indian wisdom for Management. We also saw that Leadership and Management are not the same, but are linked and complementary. These differences are very clear in the Masterpiece of Leadership and Governance, called Arthshaastra, authored by Kaultilya in 300 BC. Lastly, we said that one of the key concepts required or sustainable excellence, whether in the role of a Manager or a Leader – is self – mastery! How can one get it?
Every single manager or Leader in the Corporate milieu is familiar with the term “Alignment”, right? Alignment of organization to its vision, of the Managers to its Leadership, of the employees to their Manager – these are all spoken about, and rightly so. No alignment would mean that forces would be pulling in different directions and this would lead to either reduction in speed or total collapse in the extreme situation where there is total misalignment and mismanagement. However, there is a different kind of alignment we need to consider, for the persons in Leaderships roles within the corporation.
This is the alignment of the individual with himself or herself – where the body, mind, intellect are all aligned and these in turn, are in alignment with the core of the individual, deep within him or her. This alignment can be called as “Yog” (pronounced as Yoh-guh and not yoh-gaa). How dysfunctional would the person be when the body is at work, the mind is at home, the higher faculty intellect is on a realm of some greater achievement and the core is in search of a fulfilling purpose! Naturally, it is this mis-alignment which causes stress and results in all kinds of ailments. So Yog is not about fitness but about equilibrium of the entire being itself which is one ingeredient personal progress and success. What are the other ingredients? They are Circulation and Expansion. Indian wisdom helps us get Alignment-Circulation-Expansion or ACE……
To be continued…
Rajesh Kamath is Founder – Chanakya Consulting Insights and Co Founder – Chiranjeev Gurukul. His purpose and work focuses on the application of the eternal wisdom of Bhaarat to modern challenges of organizations. He can be reached on rajeshvkamath@gmail.com